Synergee Indian Clubs

Sale price $24.95 CAD
Barcode: 810032231064

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Synergee Indian Clubs

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Barcode: 810032231064
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Sale price $24.95 CAD

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Carbon Neutral

With every shipment, we are committed to removing carbon from the atmosphere.

Family Owned

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New and returning customers love our equipment.

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Payment plans available to pay over 3, 6, or 12 month periods.

Indian clubs have been improving the strength, agility, and balance of soldiers from the Asian subcontinent for centuries. As far back as the 5th century, these blunt maces have been swung to develop grip strength and shoulder endurance and create battle-ready warriors. This piece of equipment has stood the test of time and is recognized historically and contemporarily as an effective training tool – so what are you waiting for?

Indian Guide

1lb Clubs 2lb Clubs 5lb Clubs 10lb Clubs 15lb Clubs
Handle Diameter 21mm 31mm 20mm 27mm 27mm
Length 16.25" 15.3" 16.15" 17.75" 18"
Material ABS Plastic ABS Plastic Steel Steel Steel
Total Length 31.6" 41.1" 41.5" 42.4" 42.7"

Indian Club Rack Guide

Capacity 2 Clubs
Dimensions 5.7" x 3.1" x 4"
Material Steel
Weight Capacity 60lb

Indian clubs have been improving the strength, agility, and balance of soldiers from the Asian subcontinent for centuries. As far back as the 5th century, these blunt maces have been swung to develop grip strength and shoulder endurance and create battle-ready warriors. This piece of equipment has stood the test of time and is recognized historically and contemporarily as an effective training tool – so what are you waiting for?

Indian Guide

1lb Clubs 2lb Clubs 5lb Clubs 10lb Clubs 15lb Clubs
Handle Diameter 21mm 31mm 20mm 27mm 27mm
Length 16.25" 15.3" 16.15" 17.75" 18"
Material ABS Plastic ABS Plastic Steel Steel Steel
Total Length 31.6" 41.1" 41.5" 42.4" 42.7"

Indian Club Rack Guide

Capacity 2 Clubs
Dimensions 5.7" x 3.1" x 4"
Material Steel
Weight Capacity 60lb

Synergee Indian Clubs